Sunday, January 23, 2011

Never quit!

Here's an amazing thought: God's timing is always right and God is never late. How many times have we looked for the hand of God, really wanted to see the hand of God only to quit and walk away right when our answer was coming. Never quit and always wait on God!

My friend make this post on facebook today. I wanted to share it because it is so true. I sometimes wonder where I would be today if I had only waited. In this fast paced world we expect things to come to us quickly. The hamburger, the pizza, the movie... all just a second away. We have forgotten the practice of waiting.

Psalms 37:34
Psalms 27:14

The psalmist knew the value of waiting. Good things come to those who wait.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Love Notes from God

Of course we have God's Word which is all we need to know how great is His love for us. Still it's nice to have that loving relationship reaffirmed in unexpected ways. We all like to hear that special someone in our lives say "I love you!"

I have a friend that says whenever she sees a blue bird she believes it's God's way of saying He loves her. Something as simple as a bird or even a rainbow may be your special clue from God that He has His eye on you.

Where I live one would not want to pick a squirrel as their special sign since they are as common as trees in a forest. On the other end of the spectrum someone living in Alaska might not want to choose a camel either. (although all things are possible...)

My special 'I love you' from God is a little different than my friends. Whenever I hear or see the passage Proverbs 3:5&6 being quoted I know God is saying He loves me. I come across it often and I don't have to be in church, in the Bible or listening to Christian radio to hear it. God brings it to me in the most unexpected places.

I found it once while reading a secular book. They had made an error and printed it twice. I've heard it being quoted on TV. I've received gifts from people that have no idea this is my favorite verse and yet the gift has Proverbs 3:5&6 printed on it.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowldege Him and He will direct thy paths."

This is a quiet Saturday at home and I have no doubt that I will come across that passage sometime today because I have not doubt that my God loves me.

God showed me that He loves me when He sent His son to take my place on the cross. He tells me He loves me in special ways.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Waiting on Him

This morning while reading my Bible I came across Psalm 130:6 "My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that wait for the morning: I say, more then they that wait for the morning."

Two years ago this month an ice storm left thousands of homes across several states without any power. We went fourteen days without electricity. No lights, no TV, no internet, no phone, no modern convinces at all! No water because our water comes from a well.

On the night of the storm tree limbs became weighted down with ice, forcing even the strongest of trees to lean until finally they snapped and fell. In the dark of the night we listened as hundreds of trees gave way, sometimes taking out the trees around them. You could not see them, only hear the odd sound of ice shattering and lumber crashing.

Many memories were made during that time: playing board games by the yellow glow of a lantern, standing in line at the church to take a shower, melting snow and ice to wash dishes in cold water, clothes hanging on a make-shift clothes line inside the living room. (Clothes that had been washed much the same way as the dishes.)

Of all the different emotions and events that took place during that time the one that will always stay with me is waiting for the morning. Night comes early in January. At dark we would bundle up and crawl into bed. No lights, no sound, just darkness. Little children snuggling close to parents for security.

I know what it's like to stare into the darkness waiting anxiously for the morning.

The power's back on. We have lights, TV, phone, water... lots of noise. Still as the world around us moves farther away from The Creator I feel myself staring into the darkness waiting anxiously for the morning.

Monday, January 3, 2011

As a child I loved to read. I still remember how I felt after reading my first ‘real book’ - Little Women. The door to my imagination opened and I discovered my favorite place to be – in a book.

An avid reader I also had vivid dreams. I would often wake up from a dream and think “That would make a great book.” I soon learned that getting the book from my head to paper was work, so I just kept on reading.

After graduating from Bible College I found that the stories in my dreams wanted to be shared. I started writing children stories for my niece. Thinking this was the route I should take, I enrolled in The Children’s Institute of Literature. After passing the course with flying colors I wrote a book, submitted it to a publishing house and was rejected.

At that time I was in my early 30’s and newly married. I quietly put my pen and paper away and tried to ignore the dreams. There were always new books to be read. Life became very complicated and after the death of both my parents and two siblings, I found my darkest hour.

The dreams and my deep passion for writing returned. I found a fan fiction site full of encouraging people that let me write. They read my stories and liked them. So I wrote and wrote and wrote. I believe God healed my heart through writing.

Now I'm working on a book that I hope will bring Him honor and glory. It's an interesting path I've chosen to take. Not easy by any means but I find it bringing me closer to Him and that is where I want to be.