Saturday, January 26, 2013

Katie's Choice by Amy Lillard

The second book in Amy Lillard's  Clover Ridge series, Katie's Choice was everything you expect from an Amish romance but refreshingly unique. I enjoyed getting to know the Fisher family and look forward to reading more of Ms. Lillard's work. I have not read the first book in this series but the story stood alone and I plan to purchase book number one.

Book Description:

 Katie Rose Fisher loved Samuel Beachy with an intensity that shook their Amish district. No one doubted they would one day marry, until Samuel turned his back on the church and joined the world of the English.

Alone now in Clover Ridge, Katie Rose dedicates her life to God and the school children she teaches each day. Although she secretly longs for more, Katie knows God’s hand is at work, and she is happy.
News correspondent Zane Carson never even knew Oklahoma had an Amish community until he got the chance to live among them and learn about their day-to-day activities. Their simple way of life is intriguing, but not half as much as the young teacher.
Katie Rose is flattered over the attention she receives from Zane, but she has resolved to never marry. Even if she were to entertain the idea, it surely couldn’t be with an outsider like Zane.

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